We want you to donate in your preferred way. Donations can be mailed in, completed online, over the phone or through Mpesa or Bank account.
Your donation can change lives
In Kenya, AirKmay is changing lives. We cannot do this without you.
You can help us to send a child to school, support medical expenses, conduct household renovations, feed a family, provide clothes and household supplies, support families with income generation activities to enable them to become resilient, provide ITC materials; laptops, tablets, provide seedlings and farming inputs
Donate now :
Stanbic Bank Account details:
0100007679895 for Kenya Shilling
0100007679976 for USD
Branch name: KISUMU
Mpesa Pay bill number: 600100
For further details or clarification :
info@airkmaycbo.org or airkmay@gmail.com
P.O. Box 4394-40100 Kondele Kisumu
Desnol on Kisumu-Kakamega road
+254-114567826 or +254-755896606 or +1-816-589-8700