Reaching out to our beneficiaries

AK program coordinator, Lynda (right) distributing household supplies to needy caregiver
AK Teresiah (right) sharing food items to needy children household

Community services director, Triza (right) sharing food supplies to an elderly household
Airkmay Volunteer, Evans (middle) poses for a picture with adolescents at their home after peer mentorship session

Airkmay Volunteers, Atito (Left), and Simon (2nd left) present items of clothing to the Airkmay caregiver

Lynda, Program Coordinator (middle), presents children clothing items to Airkmay beneficiary

Airkmay team (Lynda-left, Atito (middle), and Simon (right) sorting out clothing items donation before distribution.

Community health volunteer (right) distributes maize supplies to beneficiary

Airkmay volunteers and beneficiaries photo session after distribution